5 Reasons To Attend The Nigeria International Energy Summit

As we count down to the 5th edition of the summit, we provide 5 reasons why the Summit is a must-attend for every player in Nigeria’s energy sector.


5 Reasons To Attend The Nigeria International Energy Summit 

The Nigeria International Energy Summit (formerly known as the Nigeria International Petroleum Summit)  is Nigeria’s largest energy event bringing stakeholders in the public and private sector together to discuss the future of the sector. This year’s edition is themed; “Revitalizing the Industry- Future Fuels and Energy Transition” and will be held in Abuja, Nigeria from the 27th of February 2022 to the 3rd of March 2022. 

The Summit in its tradition will feature keynote speeches, panel sessions, workshops, exhibitions, networking events, and a youth lab to showcase the brightest ideas for Nigeria’s energy sector. 

As we count down to the 5th edition of the summit, we provide 5 reasons why the Summit is a must-attend for every player in Nigeria’s energy sector.

Industry Conversations 

The theme of the event– “Revitalizing the Industry- Future Fuels and Energy Transition” is timely, given recent events. During the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference ( COP26 Summit) held in November 2021, President Muhammadu Buhari pledged that Nigeria will cut its carbon emissions and reach net zero by 2060. This means that Nigeria will move away from fossil fuels to clean energy in order to reach a net-zero target.

At net zero, carbon dioxide emissions are still generated, but an equal amount of carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere as is released into it, resulting in a zero increase in net emissions. 

However, the President was quick to note that gas will play a key role in Nigeria’s transition to clean energy and meeting the 2060 net-zero target. He recommended a gas-based transition where an expansion of gas infrastructure will provide steady power for industrial and domestic users as Nigeria continues to develop its renewable energy capabilities. This view appears to be gaining acceptance globally with the European Union planning to label gas as green energy to aid the financing of gas projects globally. 

This sets an interesting background for the summit and we expect attendees from the private and public sectors to debate these events and offer policy recommendations.


One of the highlights of the Nigeria International Energy Summit is the networking sessions. Outside of the keynotes and panels, VIP dinners and side events provide an opportunity for stakeholders to interact, get to know each other, and exchange contact information. 

For industry players looking to expand into other countries, stakeholders from other countries will provide insight into opportunities that await and offer guidance to navigate regulatory requirements. 

If you’re looking to expand your network in the Nigerian energy sector, then you shouldn’t miss out on the networking sessions.  


Nigeria’s energy sector and indeed the global energy sector has witnessed rapid change in the past year. The global transition towards clean energy has been accompanied by new laws and regulations. 

At the Nigeria International Energy Summit, experts from regulatory bodies will provide clarity on the status and meaning of the various regulations. Importantly, they will provide insight into how it affects private sector players and investors. 

These technical workshops will have breakout sessions, question and answer segments, and free-flowing debates.  


A major goal of the NIES 2022 is to discover how innovation can drive Nigeria’s energy transition ambitions. To achieve this, the summit has carefully curated a list of Nigerian energy companies, energy associations, technology companies, and international partners to exhibit new technology and share expertise at the event. 

Throughout the duration of the summit, representatives of all the exhibitors will be at their stands to answer your questions, walk you through products and services, and provide informational materials.

The Association of Local Distributors of Gas will have a stand at the event, ready to answer your questions and explain how we are promoting gas utilization in Nigeria. Be sure to stop by, we will be happy to receive you.

Register today!  

The Nigeria International Energy Summit is just days away. If you haven’t registered, there’s still enough time to do so. 

Simply click on the link below to get started. Don’t miss Nigeria’s largest gathering of investors, government officials, industry experts and organizations in the energy sector. 
